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发布日期:2016/06/15 点击量:

论坛名称: 中国经济新常态下的金融与财政挑战—国际经验和视野 (The International Perspective of Financial and Fiscal Challenges for China under “New Normal”)




1. Wing Thye Woo (胡永泰) - 加州大学戴维斯分校/The Demand-Side Component in Supply-Side Structural Reform

2. Alan Auerbach - 加州大学伯克利分校/ Tax Reform in an Era of Budget Stress, Inequality, and International Mobility

3. Kiyohiko Nishimura (西村清彦) - 东京大学/ The Limits of Quantitative Easing

4. Patrick D'arcy - 澳大利亚储备银行/ The Future of Reminbi as an International Currency

5. Seth Benzell - 波士顿大学/ A Review of China’s Fiscal Reform: A Perspective from Outside

6. Makram El-Shagi - 伟德betvlctor1946/ Much Ado About Nothing: Sovereign Ratings and Government Bond Yields in the OECD

7. Lin Zhang (张琳) - 伟德betvlctor1946/ The Macroeconomic Trade Effect of Vehicle Currencies: Evidence from 19th Century China

: In this workshop, seven scholars from the School of Economics, Henan University, top US universities and official banking institutes will present their viewpoints and research topics regarding monetary, fiscal policies and banking systems. The goal of this workshop is going to inspire the thinking of China's further reform in money and banking and the role of RMB in the world economy.


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