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    发布日期:2023/10/11 点击量:

    报告题目:A Tale of Two Networks: Global Value Chains and Trade Disputes




    摘要:This paper investigates how the global value chain (GVC) network affects the temporary trade barriers (TTB) network as well as the welfare implication. We develop an analytical framework that integrates network with granularity. If a sector (or the whole economy) in home country has a higher outdegree centrality in the GVC network, it is more likely to be the target of TTB measures, and thus becomes a defendant with higher indegree centrality in the TTB network. Intermediate goods are more probably designated as dumping or subsidized products than final goods. The TTB measures targeting at individual (superstar) firms might have welfare benefits from the point of view of home, all the more in the sectors in which home has stronger incoming GVC network linkages. A series of empirical and simulation analyses based on firm-level, sectoral and macro data strongly support the theoretical propositions.

    简介:程大中,复旦大学世界经济系教授、博导、副主任。研究领域为国际贸易与投资、服务经济、企业国际化、投入-产出分析、网络分析、全球价值链。论文发表于《中国社会科学》、《经济研究》、Review of Income and Wealth等国内外学术杂志。专著有《中国工业企业的国际化与经济绩效》、《世界经济周期调整与重新繁荣》、《中国生产性服务业发展与开放:理论、实证与战略》等,译著有《服务部门产出的测算》。主持完成国家社科基金重大项目、国家社科基金重点项目、国家自然科学基金等课题。获得教育部新世纪人才(2009年)、上海高校优秀青年教师(2009年)、上海市哲学社会科学优秀成果论文一等奖(2006年、2016年)、中国高校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)一等奖(2020年)等。

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