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    发布日期:2014/12/17 点击量:



    主讲人:Shenghao Zhu(National University of Singapore)

    题目:The Wealth Distribution in Bewley Modelswith Investment Risk

    摘要:We study the wealth distribution in Bewleyeconomies with idiosyncratic capital income risk. We show analytically thatunder rather general conditions on the stochastic structure of the economy, aunique ergodic distribution of wealth displays a fat tail; more precisely, aPareto distribution in the right tail.

    主讲人介绍:Shenghao Zhu:Economics Department,National University of Singapore. FIELDS:Macroeconomics, Financial Economics. PUBLICATIONS:"Does observationalequivalence always hold in hyperbolic discounting models?" with LiutangGong, Economics Bulletin, 2006, Vol. 5 no. 8 pp. 1-8.“The Distribution of Wealth and FiscalPolicy in Economies with Finitely Lived Agents,” with Jess Benhabib and AlbertoBisin, Econometrica, 2011, 123-157.“Comparisons of stationary distributions oflinear models,” Economics Letters, 2013, 221-223.

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