主讲人:CHAN, Kenneth Shunyuen(陈顺源)(香港城市大学)
题目:The China Growth Miracle: The Role of the Formal and the Informal Institutions
摘要:This paper examines why China, in spite of its ordinary institutions, can grow so rapidly and for so long.
Since each region in China has different quality of institutions and growth rates, we look into provincial
and city data for this investigation. The variables formal and informal institutions are added into the
conventional crosssection growth equation. The quality of the formal (informal) institution is taken from
an opinion survey on the effectiveness of city governance conducted by the World Bank in 2006
(can be measured by the share of township-and-village enterprise in each province during 1978–
2002 or by the trust index from surveys). We conclude that it is the informal institution that drives
the rapid growth in China. Further investigation, using panel data and Arellano-
Bond system GMM estimator, which controls for the missing fixed effect in cross-
provincial regressions and provides useful instrument, confirms.
主讲人介绍:陈顺源,香港城市大学经济与金融系教授,加拿大McMaster大学教授,中山大学岭南学院与澳门大学客座教授。1977年获得美国布朗大学经济学博士学位。曾任香港中文大学,新加坡国立大学,复旦大学,中国人民大学以及香港金融管理局客座教授。主要研究领域为国际贸易与国际金融、实验经济学、经济发展、中国经济。Pacific Economic Review主编。陈顺源教授在汇率波动机制与汇率政策,国际贸易与产业结构调整,制度与发展,金融危机与资产泡沫的实验研究等多个方面有丰硕的研究成果。他曾担任加拿大社会与人文学科基金评审,香港大学资金委员会基金评审,香港货币研究所研究员。在American Economic Review, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of International Economics、Journal of Development Economics、Journal of International Money and Finance等SSCI收录国际顶尖期刊发表论文近50多篇。