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The Second Henan Symposium on Development and Institutional Economic
发布日期:2015/06/18 点击量:

The 2015 Henan Symposium on Development and Institutional Economics

Preliminary Program


Prof. Yu, Eden at edenyu@chuhai.edu.hk

Dr. Dong, Baomin at baomindon@gmail.com

For logistics: Sun, Junlong, E-mail: junlong0417@163.com


Location: Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan, China

Program Summary:

June 20


June 21



Opening Ceremony

09:00 – 10:30

Parallel Sessions C


Honorary Professorship Conferral Ceremony, Group picture


Keynote Talk

Speaker: Thomas G. Rawski

10:30 – 10:40

Tea/Coffee Break


Coffee/Tea Break

10:40 – 12:40

Parallel Sessions D


Plenary Session I:

Quantitative Economic History

12:40 – 14:00




14:00 – 16:00

Parallel Sessions E


Parallel Sessions A

16:00 – 16:20

Tea/coffee Break


Coffee/Tea Break

16:20 – 18:20

Plenary Session II:

Quantitative Economic History


Parallel Sessions B




Welcome Dinner

Notes: Registration will be on June 19 and June 20 at Central Capital International Hotel (中州国际花园酒店).

For logistics, please contact Mr. Sun, Junlong (+86 13101785603) or Mr. Zheng, Bowen (+86 15836835599).

The 2015 Henan Symposium on Development and Institutional Economics

Preliminary Program

Detailed Program

Friday, June 19th

9:00 am—6:00 pm Registration Venue: Hotel Lobby

6:30 pm Dinner Venue: The Cafe Marco Polo

Hotel address: No.9, Daliang Street, Kaifeng City, Henan Province, China.

SaturdayJune 20th

Conference opener Time: 8:45-9:10, June 20 Venue: International Conference Hall

Speaker: Prof. Song, Bingtao(Dean, Henan University)

Honorary Professor of the ceremony, Time: 8:45-9:10 Venue: International Conference Hall

Group picture

Session Keynote Time: 9:10-10:10 Venue: International Conference Hall

Speaker: Thomas G. Rawski(University of Pittsburgh)

Chair: Peng, Kaixiang (Henan University)

Coffee/Tea Break Time:10:10-10:20, June 20 Venue: International Convention Hall

Plenary Session I Time: 10:20-12:20, June 20 Venue: International Conference Hall

Session Title: Quantitative Economic History

Chair: Laffargue, Jean-Pierre (University of Paris)

Lunch Time:12:20-14:30, June 20 Venue: The Café Marco Polo

Parallel Session A1 Time: 14:30-16:00, June 20 Venue: International Conference Hall(Room1)

Chair: Lee, Sang-Ho (Chonnam National University)

Song, Huasheng(Zhejiang University)

Antidumping and Firm Product Adjustment: Evidence from Chinese Exporters. (with N. Meng )

Luan, Fushu(XJ Liverpool University)

The effect of government expenditure on private consumption: Evidence from Chinese provinces.

(with C. Yang)

Lee, Sang-Ho (Chonnam National University)

Free Trade Agreement and Privatization Policy with Excess Burden of Taxation.(withLiliXu)

Parallel Session A2 Time: 14:30-16:00, June 20 Venue: International Conference Hall(Room2)

Chair: Choi, Kwan(Iowa State University)

Wan, Junmin(Fukuoka University)

Prevention and Landing of Bubble.

Kahn, Fahad (Henan University/Australian National University)

From Revenues to Democracy.

Choi, Kwan (Iowa State University)

Exchange Rate Policy and Welfare.

Coffee/Tea Break Time:16:00-16:20, June 20 Venue: International Convention Center

Parallel Session B1 Time: 16:20-18:20, June 20 Venue: International Conference Hall(Room1)

Chair: Egger, Peter(ETH)

Wan, Henry (Cornell University)

Economic Hypothesis and Asian Reality – Rethinking Theories of Trade and Growth: A Prologue.

(with An-Chi Tung)

Hu, Wuyang(University of Kentucky)

Food Safety Regulations in the US and Implications for China-US Trade.

Hwang, Hong(National Taiwan University)

Comparing Bertrand and Cournot Competition with Product Innovation and Licensing (with Ray-Yun Chang and Cheng-HauPeng)

Egger, Peter (ETH)

The Exporter Wage Premium When Firms and Workers are Heterogeneous(with Hartmut Egger, UdoKreickemeier and Christoph Moser)

Parallel Session B2 Time: 16:20-18:20, June 20 Venue: International Conference Hall(Room2)

Chair: Ju, Biung-Ghi(Seoul National University)

Welcome Dinner Time: 19:00-20:30, June 20 Venue: Banquet Hall

Host: Prof. Song, Bingtao

Sunday, June 21st

Parallel Session CI Time: 9:00 – 10:30, June 21 Venue: International Conference Hall(Room1)

Chair: Hou, Jack W(Henan University)

Xu, Yi(Guangxi Normal university)

Chinese National Income1661-1933.

Xi, Tianyang (Peking University)

Imperial Exams as Representation: A Political Economy Interpretation.

Hou, Jack W. (Henan University)

The Path of the Historical Economic Evolution.

Parallel Session C2 Time: 9:00 – 10:30, June 21 Venue: International Conference Hall(Room2)

Chair: Chao, Chi Chur(Deakin University)

Zhang, Jijiao(Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)

Long History of Business Tradition in An Emerging Economy, China---A Study on Chinese Old Brand Enterprises.

Wang, Leonard F. S. (National University of Kaohsiung)

Undesirable Free Entry in Oligopoly with Foreign Competitors.(with Jen-Yao Lee and Angela C. Chao)

Chao, Chi-Chur(Deakin University)

QE Spillovers, Foreign Buyers and Housing Price Dynamics.(with Meng-Yi TaiShih-Wen Hu and Vey Wang)

Coffee/Tea Break Time:10:30-10:40, June 21 Venue: International Convention Hall

Parallel Session D1 Time: 10:40-12:40, June 21 Venue: International Conference Hall(Room1)

Chair: Heiduk, Guenter(Warsaw School of Economics)

Schroder, Marcel (Australian National University)


Chang, Xiao(University of Macau)

The Unequal Distribution of Sectoral Incomes and the High Rate of Chinese Savings.(with X.Gu and Pui Sun Tam)

Xu, Kai(Zhejiang University)

Population Control, Human Capital Accumulation and China’s Economic Growth. (with K. Zhao)

Heiduk, Guenter (Warsaw School of Economics)

The Extension of Chinese MNCs’ Networks in Production, Innovation, Information to Europe: Challenges, Benefits, Threats”.

Parallel Session D2 Time: 10:40-12:40, June 21 Venue: International Conference Hall(Room2)

Chair: Zhao, Lex(Kobe University)

Parallel Session E2 Time: 14:00-16:00, June 21 Venue: International Conference Hall(Room2)

Chair: Li, Guoqiang(University of Macau)

Dinner Time: 19:00-20:30, June21 Venue: Banquet Hall

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