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发布日期:2016/03/14 点击量:


时间:3月17日(周四) 17:00-18:00 早期登记入住


3月17日(周四) 18:00 晚餐






开幕式:8:30-9:00 主持人:Makram EL-SHAGI


Camelia Turcu致开幕词


时间:3月18日(周五) 09:00-18:30


(一)分组讨论 9:00-10:30

1、分组讨论Ⅰ Banking and Finance (银行和金融)


主持人:Jerko Fidrmuc


Bank Taxes and Loan Monitoring: A Cautionary Tale

ENZO DIA (Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy) / David van Hoose (Baylor University, Texas, US)

What Determines Borrowing Costs at the Firm-Level?

Firm Specific and Aggregate Information

JARKO FIDRMUC (Zeppelin University, Germany / Henan University, China) / Johann Scharler (University of Innsbruck, Austria)

Determinants of Bank Lending Activities in the European Union Countries: Is There a Difference Between Bank-based and Market-based Systems?

Zuzana Kučerová (VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic)/SVATOPLUK KAPOUNEK (Mendel University Brno, Czech Republic)

2、分组讨论Ⅰ Growth(增长)


主持人:Jane Binner


International Reserves for Emerging Economies: A Liquidity Approach

KUK MO JUNG (Henan University, China)

Structural Changes and the Role of Money: New Evidence for the UK)

JANE BINNER (University of Birmingham, UK)/Rakesh K. Bissoondeeal /. Michail Karoglou (Aston University, UK)

Divisia Monetary Model of Exchange Rate Determination: A Multicountry Analysis

TANIYA GHOSH (Indira Ghandi Institute of Development Research, India)

茶歇 集体合影 10:30-10:45


(二) 分组讨论 10:45-12:15

1、分组讨论 II Business Cycles (经济周期


主持人:Philipp Harting


Accounting for Business Cycle with Wedges

PEDRO BRINCA (European University Institute, Italy) /V. Chari (Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapoli, US) /
Patrick Kehoe (Stanford University, US) /Ellen McGrattan (University of Minnesota, US)

Identification Issues in Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Business Cycle Accounting Models

Pedro Brinca (European University Institute, Italy) / FRANCESCA LORIA (European University Institute, Italy) / Nikolay Iskrev (Bank of Portugal)

Stabilization Policies and Long Term Growth: Policy Implications form an Agent-based Macroeconomic Model

PHILIPP HARTING (University of Bielefeldt, Germany)

2、分组讨论II The Global Financial Crisis(全球金融危机)


主持人:Ansgar Belke


Global Financial Markets and National QE

ANSGAR BELKE (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany)/ Daniel Gros (Centre for European Policy Studies, Brussels)

Crisis Modeler: A Tool for Exploring Crisis Prediction

Markus Holopainen (RiskLab Finland at Arcada)

/ PETER SARLIN (Hanken School of Economics and Risklab, Finland)

Financial Dependence and Growth During Crises: When Does Bank Efficiency Really Matter?

BOUBACAR DIALLO (Zhongnan University of Economics, China)

(三)午餐(自助)12:15-1:30 地点:中州国际酒店一层

(四)主题报告 1:30-2:25 地点:房间I


Kenneth D. West

(John D. MacArthur and Ragnar Frisch Professor of Economics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, US)

The Equilibrium Real Funds Rate: Past, Present and Future

(五) 分组讨论 2:30-4:00

1、分组讨论 III Shocks and Shock Propagation(经济冲击)


主持人:Jiang Mingming


The Effects of Skill-biased Partial Labor Reforms on the Macroeconomic Outcomes

CHIN-YANG LIN (International University of Japan)

The Propagation of Uncertainty Shocks: Rotemberg vs. Calvo

JOONSEOK OH (European University Institute, Italy)

Factor Substitution and Labor Market Friction in the United States: 1954- 2013

MINGMING JIANG (Shandong University, China) / John Shideler (Claremont Graduate University, US), Yun Wang (University of International Business and Economics, China)

2、分组讨论III Forcasting(预测)


主持人:Michael Graff


Are Consumers’ Forecasts of Inflaction useful in China and its Asian neighbors? A Directional Analysis

YOUNG BIN AHN (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China)

Allowing Composite Indicators to Learn

Klaus Abberger /MICHEAL GRAFF / Boriss Siliverstovs / Jan-Egbert Sturm (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

Dissecting Models‘ Forecasting Performance


茶歇 4:00-4:30

(六)主编问答  16:30-17:30

Kenneth D. West

Journal of Money Credit and Banking

Barbara Rossi

Journal of Applied Econometric

Peter Egger

Review of International Economics

(七)欢迎晚宴 18:00


晚宴讲座嘉宾 :Yoshino Naoyuki

Dean of the Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokyo

Title: Economic Effects of Infrastructure Investment



() 分组讨论 8:45-10:15

1、分组讨论IV Exchange Rates(汇率)


主持人:Evgenia Passari


Did the Swiss Exchange Rate Shock the Market?

Manuel Buchholz / Lena Tonzer / GREGOR VON SCHWEINITZ (IWH Halle, Germany)

Commodity Currencies Revisited?

EVGENIA PASSARI (Université Paris- Dauphine, France)

Exchange Rate Regime and ReaKorea Institute for International Economic Policy,l Business Cycle Transmission during the Global Financial Crisis

Kyunhun, (KimKorea Institute for International Economic Policy) / JU-HYUN PYUN (Korea University, Korea)

2、分组讨论 IV Market Structure(市场机构) 地点:房间II

主持人:Marcel Bluhm


Interbank Funding as Insurance Mechanism for (Persistent) Liquidity Shocks

MARCEL BLUHM (Xiamen University, China)

Banking Market and Consumption Risk Sharing: International Evidence from China

Chun Yu Ho (Shanghai Jia Tong University, China) / Dan Li (Fudan University, China) / Peng Wang (The People´s Bank of China) /YANHAO WANG (Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Shock Diffusion: Does inter-sectorial network structure matter?

SHEKHAR TOMAR (Toulouse School of Economics, France)

茶歇 10:15-10:30

(九)分组讨论  10:30-12:00

1、分组讨论 V International Trade(国际贸易)


主持人:Peter Egger


Macroeconomic Trade Effects of Vehicle Currencies

Makram El-Shagi / ZHANG LIN (Henan University, China)

Does the Intellectual Property Right of Regiional Trading Arrangements Impact Foreign Direct Investment? An Empirical Examination

STEVEN YAMARIK (California State University Long Beach, US)

Estimation and Prediction of Domestic and Cross-border Supply and Demand: A Random-Coefficients PANEL-VAR Approach

PETER EGGER / Samad Sarferaz(ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

2、分组讨论 V Money and Monetary Policy(货币和货币政策)


主持人:Frank Shao


The Finance-Growth Relationship: an ABM Exercise for Understanding the Switch from Virtuous to Bad Cycles

ELIANA LAURETTA (University of Birmingham, UK)

Public R&D, Private R&D and Growth: A Schumpeterian Approach

CHIEN-YU HUANG (Southwestern University of Economics and Finance, China) / Ching-chong Lai (Academia Sinicia) /Pietro Peretto (Duke University)

Inequality and Growth Revisited (again)

Makram El-Shagi / FRANK SHAO (Henan University, China)

(十)午餐(自助) 12:30-1:30 地点:中州国际酒店一层

(十一)主题报告  13:30-14:25


Barbara Rossi

(Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Italy):

Alternative Tests for Correct Specification of Conditional Predictive Densities

(十二)分组讨论  14:30-16:00

1、分组讨论 VI Macroeconomic Risk(宏观经济风险) 地点:房间I

主持人:Makram El-Shagi


Sovereign Debt and Systemic Risk in the Eurozone

Christophe Hurlin / Alexandra Popescu / CAMELIA TURCU (University of Orléans, France)

Sovereign Ratings and Government Bond Yields in the OECD: Much Ado About Nothing

MAKRAM EL-SHAGI (Henan University, China)

Financial Crisis and Risk Sharing in European Union

MEIXIN GUO (Tsinghua University, China) / Ju Hyun Pyun (Korea University, South Korea)

2、分组讨论 VI The Chinese Economy(中国经济) 地点:房间II

主持人:David Dickinson


China Firm´ Investment during the Global Financial Crisis: Q, the external finance premium and risk

Dayong Zhang (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China) / Hong Cao (Beijing Institute of Technology, China) /Dejing Kong / DAVID DICKINSON (University of Birmingham, UK)

Macroprudential Policy, Central Bank and Financial Stability: Evidence from China

Jan Klingelhöfer (RWTH Aachen University, Germany) / RONGRONG SUN (University of Nottingham Ningbo China)

A Constant-Interest-Rate Model for the Chinese Economy

BING TONG (Henan University, China)

茶歇:16:00-16:30 地点:中州国际酒店

(十三) 分组讨论 16:30-18:00

1、分组讨论 VII Asset Price and Real Estate Economics (资产定价和房地产经纪) 地点:房间I

主持人:Simon Rudkin


Housing Markets: A DSGE Analysis of the German Case

RAPHAEL GIESSLER DE CARVALHO / CHONG KIM (University of Applied Science Cologne, Germany)

The Relationship Between Output and Asset Prices: A Time- and Frequency-varying Approach

CHI-WEI SU / Zong Liang Yao (Ocean University of China

Chinese Provincial Real Estate Investment: Global VAR Models, Linkages and Forecasting Improvements

YANG CHEN / Ming He (Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool Universi China) / SIMON RUDKIN (Bradford University, UK)

2、分组讨论 VII Regional Economics of China(中国区域经济) 地点:房间II

主持人:Jack Hou


Growth and the Environment: Green GDP in China

JACK HOU (California State University Long Beach, US / Henan University, China) / JIN SUN (Central University of Finance and Economics, China)

Signal and Political Accountability: The Environment Petitions of China

PI-HAN TSAI (Zhejiang University, China)

Do Chinese Local Governments Invest Too Much Infrastructure?

DAXIN DONG (University of Bonn, Germany)


闭幕式 时间 18:00 地点:中州国际酒店

结束晚餐 时间 19:00 地点:岁岁羊(黄河路北段)

时间:3月20日(周日)学术考查 (龙门石窟)

价格: 400元左右(包午饭,门票)



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